CNIL Consent Exemption

Reliable and consistent audience measurement

The CNIL requires the consent of the Internet user before cookies and other analytics trackers can be used on a website, a mobile application or any connected object. With AT Internet, you can legally benefit, in France, from an exemption from the collection of this consent.


Worth knowing: so far, this regulation only applies to France, but a proposal for an exemption from consent for audience measurement tools is currently being considered at the European level through the ePrivacy regulation, which is expected soon.

What is the CNIL exemption?

The CNIL exemption is a French regulation specific to audience measurement tools that allow a site or mobile application to use a tracker without the prior consent of the Internet user, under the following conditions:

  • The collection of data strictly necessary for the provision of the service expressly requested by the user
  • A purpose limited to the strict measurement of the audience
  • General compliance with the GDPR


Why choose the consent exemption?

Firm application of the CNIL rules (and in particular the symmetry of consent) could lead to a maximum loss of measured traffic of between 40% and 80% of the overall audience. Freeing you up from the need to obtain consent therefore allows you to maximise your collection of audience measurement data right from the start of the visit.

How can you benefit from the CNIL exemption at AT Internet?

Our team of consultants and privacy experts will accompany you throughout the process of implementing the CNIL consent exemption, through the following steps:

  • Definition of the data strictly necessary for the provision of the service expressly requested by the users
  • Configuration of the AT Internet technical base in order to apply the regulatory processing
  • Implementation of the dedicated tag on the exempted perimeters

Useful to know: at AT Internet, it is also possible to combine consent and CNIL exemption with our Hybrid Measurement solution.



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15 questions to test your GDPR knowledge

Test your knowledge on the topic of the general data protection regulation with 15 questions.

Privacy-driven analytics to boost business value

Look at how AT Internet enables companies to eliminate the risks of non-compliance and turn data privacy into a key value driver.

Further reading
10 Privacy features to check when choosing your analytics solution

To survive and thrive in today’s post-GDPR world, companies need to be able to clearly demonstrate to end users that they operate in an accountable…
